What to Expect During your Ketamine Infusion

What to Expect During your Ketamine Infusion

Perhaps you’ve decided to try ketamine infusions for your depression, anxiety, PTSD, or chronic pain.  Or maybe you have yet to decide and want a little more information. Some level of nervousness is normal and very common when facing something new, especially something that is so cutting-edge. To ease some of your worries, we’ll share with you four things to expect during your ketamine infusions…

3 Reasons Why You Should Know About the Default Mode Network of Your Brain

3 Reasons Why You Should Know About the Default Mode Network of Your Brain

The Default Mode Network (sometimes called simply the default network or the DMN) refers to an interconnected group of brain structures that are hypothesized to be part of a functional system. The DMN includes areas of the brain which researchers found to have higher activity when the mind was supposed to be at rest.  For example, when you are day dreaming, thinking about the future, replaying memories, etc. without a specific goal in mind.  Now, why would we care about this? The DMN is found to have increased activity in certain mood and pain disorders.  That being said, let's look at our 3 reasons why you should know about the DMN. 

Ketamine Infusion Protocol: Twice a Week or Three Times a Week?

Ketamine Infusion Protocol: Twice a Week or Three Times a Week?

Ketamine infusions are at the frontier of treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and pain disorders. And just like the pioneers of the Wild West, ketamine physicians are also trailblazers. Ketamine infusionists create their protocols based on studies and the responses of their patients to treatment. Since ketamine is still a relatively new treatment, researchers are still investigating the optimal dose and frequency.

Ketamine and Its Anti-Microbial Effect

Ketamine and Its Anti-Microbial Effect

Raise your hand if you like cleanliness or if you're against getting infections! Well if you raised your hand, you are in luck.  We are excited to share another health property of ketamine you may not have been aware of. Ketamine is also an anti-microbial (aka kills or stops growth of microorganisms)!

Why You Should Consider Ketamine Infusions for Chronic Pain

Why You Should Consider Ketamine Infusions for Chronic Pain

Ketamine has a long track record being used as an analgesic for medical procedures. Historically, this medication was used to reduce peri-operative pain (pain before, during, and after a procedure). Now, ketamine is proving to be useful in treating daily chronic pain, unrelated to a medical procedures. 

5 Facts To Know About Ketamine's Past

5 Facts To Know About Ketamine's Past

Not sure what ketamine is?  Maybe you know it as a party drug, but now are hearing about its use as a medication to treat conditions such as chronic pain, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Unclear of what to make of this medication?  

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

Imagine a lush green forest, filled with many trees with numerous branches.  Now, imagine the opposite. The same trees, but instead brown and with branches falling off. These trees are now dying out. This forest is now sparse due to repeated fires, harsh weather, and pollution. The forest is functioning below what it could, and producing less oxygen and food for the creatures it protects.