Ketamine's Effect On The Brain: A PTSD Study

Ketamine's Effect On The Brain: A PTSD Study

At present, there are not a lot of drugs that can effectively treat patients with PTSD. But with emerging studies on ketamine to treat PTSD, the results show that ketamine’s effect on the brain could be a game-changer. Read this blog to learn more about how ketamine can treat those with PTSD.

Can Ketamine Infusions Be Used For Treating Chronic PTSD?

Can Ketamine Infusions Be Used For Treating Chronic PTSD?

Can ketamine potentially be used in the treatment of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Recent research results are very promising, especially because PTSD has a history of being difficult to treat with traditional methods. In this article we are going to explore the groundbreaking research supporting this therapy, as well as related questions such as, who should and who shouldn’t try ketamine infusion treatments for PTSD.

Ketamine for Veterans with PTSD - A New Study

Ketamine for Veterans with PTSD - A New Study

When veterans come home, their experiences can return with them. Sometimes their memories (especially traumatic ones) continue to vividly pop up in their heads, even to the point where they are reliving their traumas years after those events occurred. Experiencing emotional and psychological triggers after witnessing or being part of a terrifying event is known as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a mental health disorder. 

What You Need To Know About Ketamine For PTSD

What You Need To Know About Ketamine For PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects the lives of many people worldwide.  Shockingly, more military personnel die by suicide than in combat. Many treatments have been subpar in the past, however, ketamine may be an alternative treatment option for those who are still struggling.  But there are some caveats and considerations that need to be taken before jumping on the ketamine bandwagon.

Ketamine Reduces Fearful Memories

Ketamine Reduces Fearful Memories

Patients who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are plagued with flashbacks, arousal dysfunctions, and avoidance symptoms. Unfortunately, there are few treatments that effectively treat all of PTSD’s symptoms. Research presented at the Society for Neuroscience suggest that ketamine may aid in ridding patients of fearful memories at the root of this disorder.

Ketamine's Role in PTSD Treatment

Ketamine's Role in PTSD Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic disorder that arises after severely stressful events. PTSD is characterized by its disabling effects—hyperarousal, avoidance, and re-experiencing symptoms. Affecting an estimated 7.8% of the general population, PTSD is particularly diagnosed among people who have experienced interpersonal violence. Survivors who suffer from PTSD do not have many options in reducing PTSD symptoms, because few modern pharmacotherapies—treatments using drugs—are effective.