
How To Make The Most Of Your Morning

How To Make The Most Of Your Morning

Productive mornings are a great way to start your day, even if you consider yourself a night owl. In this blog, we talk about some powerful habits from the book “Miracle Morning” to help you make the most of your mornings and change your life for the better.

When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

Although Ketamine is a great alternative treatment option, it may not be for everyone. Because of how powerful Ketamine can be, certain conditions or medications may not react well with the infusion. Making it harmful to some individuals. A Ketamine experience should be a healing experience. That is why it is important to know If Ketamine may or may not be an option for you.

Why Don't Insurance Companies Cover Ketamine Treatments?

Why Don't Insurance Companies Cover Ketamine Treatments?

To simplify the question, we will limit the discussion to ketamine and its role in depression.

The short answers are: 1) Unawareness of ketamine as a treatment 2) Ketamine is not FDA approved for mood disorders 3) Ketamine is considered an experimental or investigational drug

But to leave it at this doesn’t fully explain it. To explore more, let’s do a deeper dive into each of these answers.

The Importance of Self Love

The Importance of Self Love

For some patients, I notice that they have a hard time loving themselves. I believe that self-love is a critical component of healing. However, it can be difficult to do in our society today. The message we get is that “You are not good enough, but if you buy X, Y, and Z, then it will make you worthy of love.”

12 Sleep Tips & Hacks

12 Sleep Tips & Hacks

As the only creatures in the animal kingdom to knowingly deprive ourselves of sleep, lack of sleep can be devastating for humans. Lack of sleep has remarkable effects on emotions, personality, and actions. Otherwise, patient parents will snap at unruly children, or a calm store clerk will react aggressively to a rude customer. Not only are our overtired bodies detrimental to interpersonal relationships, but to our health.