Helpful Guide

How Long Does It Take For Ketamine Infusions To Work?

How Long Does It Take For Ketamine Infusions To Work?

No doubt that ketamine is an effective treatment for mood disorders and chronic pain conditions. However, everyone responds to ketamine differently. In fact, some don’t even respond to it that much. In this blog, we talk about the different types of responses to ketamine.

When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

Although Ketamine is a great alternative treatment option, it may not be for everyone. Because of how powerful Ketamine can be, certain conditions or medications may not react well with the infusion. Making it harmful to some individuals. A Ketamine experience should be a healing experience. That is why it is important to know If Ketamine may or may not be an option for you.

3 Navigation Tools To Use During A Ketamine Infusion

3 Navigation Tools To Use During A Ketamine Infusion

Going through a ketamine experience can be transforming, but confusing as well. It’s important to be prepared and have the right mindset when going in for your ketamine infusion treatment. In this blog, we’ll talk about some tools that will help you understand your journey better.

Integration: Take Action After Your Ketamine Infusion

Integration: Take Action After Your Ketamine Infusion

During your ketamine infusion treatment, it is important to understand that ketamine is just a catalyst and that the power of creating change is ultimately up to you. From the insights you will be gaining from your ketamine journey, we will be talking about why taking action is the most important part of the process.

Why You Need More Than Ketamine To Get Better

Why You Need More Than Ketamine To Get Better

There is no doubt that ketamine is a transformational medicine, but it takes more than ketamine for you to get better. Read our blog to learn more about how you can make your ketamine journey as impactful and life-changing as possible.

Surfing The Waves: Scary Ketamine Experiences & Life

Surfing The Waves: Scary Ketamine Experiences & Life

The ocean is not just full of life, but of lessons as well. And the ocean waves have plenty of lessons to teach us, especially during scary ketamine experiences. In this blog post, we talk about the importance of riding with the waves and why these waves are our friends, not our foes.

What Is the ACE Model And Why Is it Important in Psychedelic Therapy?

What Is the ACE Model And Why Is it Important in Psychedelic Therapy?

In psychedelic therapy, such as ketamine infusions, speaking with a therapist can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we talk about a study that determines the importance of utilizing a psychological flexibility model, called the ACE model, for therapists to guide patients throughout their psychedelic journey.

Does It Matter If You Can't Remember Your Ketamine Experience?

Does It Matter If You Can't Remember Your Ketamine Experience?

During your ketamine experience, you may be pressured to try to remember everything. There could be so much going on that if you forget even the slightest of detail, you get discouraged. So, does it really matter if you can’t remember everything? Learn more in our blog post.

Expectations vs. Realities of Getting Ketamine Infusions

Expectations vs. Realities of Getting Ketamine Infusions

With our experience in treating hundreds of ketamine patients, we noticed that there are some common misleading expectations about ketamine infusions. In this blog, we’re going to talk about these expectations and what the realities are.

What To Do When You Want Someone To Get A Ketamine Infusion

What To Do When You Want Someone To Get A Ketamine Infusion

If you’re a firm believer in the power of ketamine treatments, you probably have some other people in mind who you think would benefit as well. In this blog post, we talk about some things that you need to take note of if you want to convince someone to get a ketamine infusion.

What Is Esketamine & Racemic Ketamine?

What Is Esketamine & Racemic Ketamine?

What’s the difference between intranasal esketamine (aka Spravato) and intravenous ketamine infusions? Learn what you need to know about the difference between esketamine and racemic intravenous ketamine here at our blog!

How Can I Be More Grateful In My Life?

How Can I Be More Grateful In My Life?

Frequently, we can look at our lives and notice areas that aren’t quite good enough. Or it may feel like there is always something a little wrong. It might be the pick-up food order that’s missing an item when you get home, the small leak in your roof that needs to be repaired, or the highway traffic that we get stuck in.

Although we have much in our lives, we easily forget what we do have because we become used to what we have in our lives. This is known as the hedonic treadmill - a cycle of wanting, getting, then gradually becoming accustomed to what we previously desired

What's The Right Ketamine Infusion Dose?

What's The Right Ketamine Infusion Dose?

A couple of question that we get asked often are, "What is the calculation that you use for dosing ketamine? What’s the right dose for the infusion?” The answer as you can imagine is, “It Depends.” Read on to learn more.

When Should I Get a Ketamine Booster?

When Should I Get a Ketamine Booster?

We often get asked this question: "How long is the time frame between ketamine booster infusions?" The real answer and it’s no surprise is... it depends.

As you already may know we recommend an initial six treatments over a period of two to three weeks. This is based upon the evidence from the clinical studies. Then depending on your response and how you feel, you may need a booster anywhere from every two weeks to every four weeks, sometimes even out to two or three months after the initiation series.