Why You Should Consider Ketamine Infusions for Chronic Pain

Why You Should Consider Ketamine Infusions for Chronic Pain

Ketamine has a long track record being used as an analgesic for medical procedures. Historically, this medication was used to reduce peri-operative pain (pain before, during, and after a procedure). Now, ketamine is proving to be useful in treating daily chronic pain, unrelated to a medical procedures. 

5 Facts To Know About Ketamine's Past

5 Facts To Know About Ketamine's Past

Not sure what ketamine is?  Maybe you know it as a party drug, but now are hearing about its use as a medication to treat conditions such as chronic pain, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Unclear of what to make of this medication?  

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

Imagine a lush green forest, filled with many trees with numerous branches.  Now, imagine the opposite. The same trees, but instead brown and with branches falling off. These trees are now dying out. This forest is now sparse due to repeated fires, harsh weather, and pollution. The forest is functioning below what it could, and producing less oxygen and food for the creatures it protects.