ehlers-danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Ketamine Therapy

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Ketamine Therapy

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a clinically heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by skin, joints, ligaments, blood vessels and internal organs that are fragile soft connective tissues. EDS has an effect on one in 5,000 births. EDS can be defined into six subtypes, the most common is the subtype of hypermobility (EDS-HT), meaning that the extremities, vertebral columns, costovertebral and costosternal joints, clavicular articulations, and or temporomandibular joints are subluxed and dislocated. Symptoms include overly flexible joints that can dislocate, and translucent, elastic, and easily bruised skin. There may be dilation and even rupture of major blood vessels in some instances. Treatment helps to control symptoms and track complications.